Articles & Publications
Curiosity + Expertise = Innovation.
Gateway Analytical isn’t a stranger to complex technical problems, but our scientists sometimes see better ways to run an experiment. The scientific papers and articles below are straight from our curious team.
Proactive Versus Reactive Testing For Glass Delamination in Pharmaceuticals
Glass delamination, which is a reaction from a form of glass corrosion, are small, thin, glass fragments, termed “glass lamellae”, which are shed from
Featured Application: Automated SEM-EDS Materials Analysis: Getting the Big Picture
This function has a great deal of utility when performing materials analysis, whether the goal is product development, failure analysis, or reverse engineering. Manual analysis
Materials Testing Services
Watch our video on Gateway Analytical’s materials testing services.
A Forensic Approach to Particulate Contamination in Inhalable Drug Products
Authors & ContributorsRebekah ByrneDavid Exline
Addressing Glass Delamination Concerns Proactively with USP 1660 Testing
Glass delamination is, indeed, a serious issue which can not only cause pharmaceutical companies millions of dollars in recalls.
Gateway Analytical Interview on Pittsburgh Technology Council’s TechVibe Radio
Authors & ContributorsDavid ExlineJanuary 08, 2013
Particulate Matter in Injections and Ophthalmic Solutions: Particle Counting
Particulate matter, in both parenteral and ophthalmic drug products, consists of extraneous mobile, undissolved particles, other than gas bubbles, unintentionally present in the solutions.
Pharmaceutical Testing Services Overview
Discover Gateway Analytical services and staff in this short video that presents an overview of our expertise in pharmaceutical analytical services.
Forensic Insurance Investigation Services
In this one-on-one interview with Dave Exline, Senior V.P. at Gateway Analytical he discusses how Gateway Analytical specializes in applying forensic testing and consulting
Presumptive Testing of Biological Fluids
Authors & ContributorsCara Plese
Ingredient-Specific Particle Sizing of Aerosolized Nasal Spray Using Wide-Field Raman Chemical Imaging
Authors & Contributors David Exline
Harnessing the Power of Knowledge with Pharmaceutical Forensics
In this one-on-one interview with Dave Exline Senior V.P. at Gateway Analytical discusses how Gateways pharmaceutical forensic analytical testing services tie into this years
Advancing Product Safety Through Cutting-Edge Extractables and Leachables Analysis by Gateway Analytical
In industries where product safety and quality are paramount, the meticulous examination and mitigation of Extractables and Leachables (E&L) risks play a pivotal role. At
As seen in Inhalation Magazine – Our article discussing the application of SEM-EDS for inhalable drug products
This article provides an introduction to automated scanning electron microscopy—energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) and the capabilities it can offer in development of inhalable drug
Monitoring Degree of Agglomeration in Aqueous Suspensions Subjected to Various Environmental Conditions by Raman Imaging
Outsourcing the development and manufacturing of generic drug products is a very common strategy in today’s current global market. Because of this, some of
Shedding Light on the Utility of FTIR vs. Raman Spectroscopy
Read Gateway Analytical’s piece on shedding light on the utility of FTIR vs. Raman spectroscopy.
What is Pharmaceutical Forensics?
Watch Gateway Analytical’s Dave Exline discuss our pharmaceutical forensics services.
Comparison of Raman and FTIR Spectroscopy: Advantages and Limitations
Authors & Contributors David Exline October 09, 2013
Early-Phase Development
Container Closure
Integrity Testing
Medical Device
& Leachables

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Covering every stage of the drug development journey with our state-of-the-art, FDA-inspected, cGMP-compliant facilities designed to minimize bottlenecks and maximize success.