Ingredient-Specific Particle Sizing of Aerosolized Nasal Spray Using Wide-Field Raman Chemical Imaging
Authors & Contributors David Exline
Gateway Analytical to Present on the Evolution of Gunshot Residue Analysis at the IACP 121st Annual Conference and Exposition
Gateway Analytical announced today that they...
Forensic Analysis of Hair and Fibers for Police & Attorneys
Authors & ContributorsDavid Exline February 10, 2012 This webinar was designed for police officers and attorneys engaged in collection and investigations relating to hair and fiber evidence. Current methods of hair and fiber collection and interpretation is discussed. This webinar also reviews past and current testing methods with emphasis on…
Evaluation of Pharmaceutical Vials for Glass Delamination
Authors & ContributorsAntonio ScatenaFebruary 04, 2014
Gateway Analytical to Present at 2012 MAAFS Meeting: The Introduction of Hyperspectral Imaging as an Additional Method of Examination for Tapes
Authors & Contributors Cara Plese May 10, 2012 The Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists (MAAFS) annual meeting is being held later this month from May 14th through the 18th. MAAFS is one of several regional/state forensic science associations in the United States. Regional meetings are great for scientists to attend because they usually require less travel than…
Altmire Cuts Ribbon for Gateway Analytical Grand Opening
Business gave tours of its 3,000-square-foot...
Harnessing the Power of Knowledge with Pharmaceutical Forensics
In this one-on-one interview with...
Gateway Analytical Promotes 1-Day Turnaround for Analytical Services at 14th Annual Contract Pharma Conference
Gateway Analytical announced today that they...
Forensic Analysis of Condom Lubricants for Police & Attorneys
Authors & ContributorsCara PleseAntonio Scatena May 17, 2012 This webinar covers the collection, documentation, and forensic analysis of condom lubricants and sexual assault evidence. Scientific principles and current methods of condom lubricant analysis are covered to help investigators review and present in casework. Case studies related to the use of condom…