Author: admin

Analysis Solutions

In Depth Analysis of Particle Contamination for Tablet and Semi-Solid Drug Products

Authors & ContributorsDavid ExlineCara PleseAugust 28, 2013 This webinar was designed for professionals (e.g. Quality Control, Industrial Engineers) involved in the production and development of tablet and semi-solid drug products. During this webinar, our presenters provided examples of commonly found  particle contamination in tablet and semi-solid drug products and how these…
Analysis Solutions
News & Events

2017 DDL Dual Automated Approach for Sizing and Characterizing Budesonide In Suspension

Authors & ContributorsDavid ExlineEmily Landsperger December 19, 2017 Budesonide is a corticosteroid that is commonly administered by means of a nebulizer to help prevent symptoms of asthma, when regularly inhaled. The suspension contains the ingredients micronized budesonide (API), citric acid, edetate disodium dehydrate, polysorbate 80, sodium chloride, sodium citrate and…
Analysis Solutions

RDD 2015 Workshop: Assessing Aggregate Performance and the Presence of Foreign Particulate in OINDPs

May 19, 2015 Establishing bioavailability and proving bioequivalence of inhaled combination therapies can be difficult without addressing two major concerns: accurate and precise particle size distribution data of the individual active pharmaceutical ingredient and source determination of the any existing foreign particulate matter. Raman spectroscopy and Raman chemical imaging have…