The Value of Presumptive Screening of Physical Evidence
Authors & ContributorsDavid ExlineCara Plese May 06, 2013 Presumptive tests for blood, seminal fluid, urine, and saliva are fast, relatively inexpensive, and can quickly eliminate a stain from further analysis if the results show the sample is not the fluid originally suspected. Likewise, microscopic analysis of hair is a nondestructive…
Case Studies in Foreign Particulate Analysis
Topics covered include analytical techniques and...
AAPS 2017 Development and Validation of a cGMP Compliant Particulate Characterization Database
Reference databases catalog data and information for known materials, process and product related materials, and archived foreign particulate.
Materials Testing Services
Watch our video on Gateway Analytical's materials testing services.
Gateway Analytical Acquires RapID System to Meet Growing Market Demand
PITTSBURGH, January, 21 2014 — Gateway...
RDD 2012: Investigation of the Microstructure of Combination Dry Powder Inhaler Formulations by Atomic Force Microscopy and Raman Chemical Imaging
May 20, 2012 The microstructure of combination DPI formulations is complex and is related to the surface interfacial interactions between components of the formulation, which define the structure and thereby performance of the formulation (1, 2, 3). Previous studies have attempted to investigate the microstructure of combination DPI formulations using…
A Forensic Approach to Particulate Contamination in Inhalable Drug Products
Authors & ContributorsRebekah ByrneDavid Exline
Gateway Analytical Receives Controlled Substance Registration Certificate from the Drug Enforcement Administration
Gateway Analytical is proud to announce...