Recorded Webinars
Curiosity + Expertise = Innovation.
Complex technical concepts can often obscure the path to understanding. At Gateway Analytical, we believe in demystifying these intricacies. That’s why our team of expert scientists has embarked on a mission to break down the barriers of scientific jargon.
Our recorded webinars are designed to provide clarity and insight into the fascinating world of analytical science. We take these complex technical concepts and present them in a way that everyone can grasp. Join us in unraveling the mysteries, one webinar at a time.
WEBINAR: The Art of CCIT: Deterministic Method Selection
Explore one of the most important topics on your journey to market, “The Art of CCIT: Deterministic Method Selection”. Our webinar was scheduled for July
Ensuring Container Integrity at Various Temperatures
In the fast-paced world of pharmaceutical development and manufacturing, ensuring the integrity of sterile containers is paramount. This webinar, titled “Ensuring Container Integrity at Various
The Value of Presumptive Screening of Physical Evidence
Authors & ContributorsDavid ExlineCara Plese May 06, 2013 Presumptive tests for blood, seminal fluid, urine, and saliva are fast, relatively inexpensive, and can quickly eliminate a stain from further analysis if the results show the sample is not the fluid originally suspected. Likewise, microscopic analysis of hair is a nondestructive…
Case Studies in Foreign Particulate Analysis
Topics covered include analytical techniques and methods suitable for API particle sizing and in vitro bioequivalence for nasal drug products as well as preparation methods
Controlled Release Testing Using Raman Chemical Imaging
May 14, 2012 When developing controlled release products, it is important to establish coating consistencies in the laboratory and manufacturing environments to produce a predictable result. The ability to effectively test and gain feedback about the coating processes for ingredient-specific measurements of individual coating layers, allows scientists to accurately predict…
Hair as a Pharmaceutical Contaminant: How It Is Identified, and How We Can Tell Where It Originated
Download our webinar on hair as a pharmaceutical contaminant and learn how it is identified, and how we can tell where it originated.
In Depth Analysis of Particle Contamination for Tablet and Semi-Solid Drug Products
Authors & ContributorsDavid ExlineCara PleseAugust 28, 2013 This webinar was designed for professionals (e.g. Quality Control, Industrial Engineers) involved in the production and development of tablet and semi-solid drug products. During this webinar, our presenters provided examples of commonly found particle contamination in tablet and semi-solid drug products and how these…
Solving Contamination Issues with Pharmaceutical Forensics
Authors & Contributors
What Police and Attorneys Need to Know about Gunshot Residue Analysis
Authors & ContributorsRebekah ByrneDavid Exline January 02, 2013 This webinar was designed for police and attorneys and built upon the information provided in our previous webinar, “Forensic Analysis of Gunshot Residue for Police & Attorneys.” During this webinar, our presenters provided police officers with tips on the proper collection for…
Using Raman Spectroscopy and LIBS for Automated Particle Identification
Download our webinar on using raman spectroscopy and LIBS for automated particle identification in pharmaceutical drug products. expensive recall.
Strategies for Biowaiver Application for Generic Nasal Sprays
Authors & ContributorsDavid Exline
Evaluation of Pharmaceutical Vials for Glass Delamination
Authors & ContributorsAntonio ScatenaFebruary 04, 2014
Forensic Analysis of Condom Lubricants for Police & Attorneys
Authors & ContributorsCara PleseAntonio Scatena May 17, 2012 This webinar covers the collection, documentation, and forensic analysis of condom lubricants and sexual assault evidence. Scientific principles and current methods of condom lubricant analysis are covered to help investigators review and present in casework. Case studies related to the use of condom…
In Depth Analysis of Particle Contamination for Inhalable Drug Products
Download our webinar on in depth analysis of particle contamination for inhalable drug products to find the root cause analysis of foreign particulate matter.
The Benefits of Using Raman Spectroscopy and LIBS for Automated Particle Identification
Authors & ContributorsDavid ExlineMarch 26, 2014
Challenges in Counting and Sizing Glass Lamellae using an Automated Method
Glass delamination is a phenomenon which can occur in parenteral drugs stored in glass containers. By interaction of the drug product with the vial surface,
In-depth characterizations of OINDPs from R&D to regulatory submission
Next Breath and Gateway Analytical will present their OINDP Webinar Series for Dry powder Inhalers (DPIs), pressurized Metered Dose Inhaler (MDIs), and Nasal drug products
Wear Debris Characterization using Automated Raman and SEM-EDS
Authors & ContributorsRebekah ByrneDavid ExlineSeptember 17, 2015
Structuring Your Materials Characterization with Raman Spectroscopy
Download our webinar on structuring your materials characterization with raman spectroscopy.
Forensic Analysis of Paint and Tapes for Police & Attorneys
Authors & ContributorsDavid Exline May 13, 2012 This webinar covers the forensic investigation process for paint and tape evidence. Topics include the most current methods used for today’s investigators and discuss the interpretation of paint transfer evidence. Case studies related to the analysis of duct tapes, automotive and architectural paints…
Early-Phase Development
Container Closure
Integrity Testing
Medical Device
& Leachables

Empowering Your Journey Toward Enhanced Patient Care
Covering every stage of the drug development journey with our state-of-the-art, FDA-inspected, cGMP-compliant facilities designed to minimize bottlenecks and maximize success.